Arousing new hope through a different way of thinking and acting
Our vision
Many regions of the world have experienced or are still experiencing conflicts whose real issues have not been resolved.
Even after peace agreements have been signed, feelings of frustration, discrimination or hatred often remain latent among populations and can be a source of renewed conflict.
In the face of these situations, young adults have a key role to play in rebuilding post-conflict societies by changing mentalities, fighting prejudice and making it possible for a genuine peace process to take place.

These young adults have often not themselves been involved in the conflicts. They are readier to set aside the quarrels in order to answer the challenges of their community in a new and positive way. These vibrant and engaged communities can then inspire growth, stability, openness and peace.
For young people to take on this role, they need access to an education that leads them to make positive choices.
These choices are based on fundamental values that they can integrate and that they transmit to future generations.
Our strategies
In a globalized world with increasingly complex interactions, the Foundation supports and trains these young people to help them understand and respect their environment, discern their potential and make responsible decisions about the future of their community.
The Foundation's programs are focused on the accompaniment and integral education of young people. They can rebuild their lives, accomplish their dream and share them with others. They get involved in new social and entrepreneurial actions in the service of reconciliation, "living together" and lasting peace.
Young people are called upon from the outset to sponsor younger people. This will make them conscious of their responsibility and let them feel worth and self-esteem, something they have not often had before. They are better able to transfer this life experience to the next generation.
The accompaniment targets the valorisation of the young people to allow them:
to discover talents and abilities, to overcome limitations and to build resilience
to better understand their place in the larger community and to respect the differences, to fight all forms of discrimination and to learn personal responsibility and ethics
to decide on their life project, to take on their social and environmental responsibility within society
The young people acquire knowledge and skills in fields with a future, identified in the local context.

This personalized training fosters citizenship and values such as, respect for the common good, personal responsibility, the spirit of service, and empathy for the weakest.
The young people are encouraged to be enterprising in social or production fields, in an innovative, sustainable and useful way for their community. By becoming an economic or social player, it puts its resources and talents at stake to encourage others to progress together
The young people of different ethnic, social or religious origins are brought together in activities and meetings to allow them to understand and respect their differences.
The new communication technologies are encouraged and used to connect, communicate and share their ideas and experiences with other young people across the world.